Courses for the judiciary
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Video Lectures
Freshwater Regulation in international Environmental Law
Dr. Francesco Sindico
Co-Director, Strathclyde Center for Environmental Law and Governance, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.
Nationally Determined Contributions under the Climate Change Regime
Robert Ondhowe
Legal Officer, National Environmental Law Unit, Law Division, UN Environment
Other e-learning platforms
EU Environmental Law Training Package
On this page you can access training tools which have been developed by the European Commission in support to all training structures and trainers with an interest in EU environmental law. They can be used in a European, national or local training context, and adapted to specific needs and target groups.

World Commission on Environmental Law (WCEL) Lecture Series
These video lectures feature high-level speakers from around the world addressing emerging issues in environmental law. The lecturers include distinguished members of WCEL and the Global Judicial Institute on the Environment, including judges, law professors, scientists, legal professionals, early career leaders, public prosecutors, and representatives of international organizations. The videos were produced in partnership with the United Nations Environment Programme, the Organization of American States, and Catholic University of Brasília.