Original language


Date of text
Type of court
National - higher court
Court name
Supreme Court of Bangladesh
Seat of court
Reference number
22 BLD (HCD) 2002 345
Air pollution, Forests
Free tags
Air & atmosphere
Ruhul Amin M. M.; Khademul Islam Chowdhury

This case was concerned with a writ petition arguing that the environment of Dhaka City and health of its inhabitants were threatened by vehicle emissions of hazardous smokes and noises. The petitioners found that, according to the legal standards set by laws on air and noise pollution levels, many vehicles motors’ were faulty and unfit for traffic and operated without a pollution-related fitness certificate or with a certificate that was wrongfully awarded. Additionally, petroleum products used by vehicles in Dhaka contained hazardous substances possibly affecting the residents’ health. The Ministry of Environment and Forest also pointed out that the pollution in major cities of Bangladesh adversely affected foreign investment and tourism.

The Court held that the respondents had failed to properly implement the regulations required to control pollution levels and ordered preventive measures to lessen its effects.